What you need to know when beginning to travel in 2021.
Are you ready to travel again or just want to have travel to look forward to in 2021? We've got the answers to your questions and more below to help prepare you for any traveling you might do this year. When will post-vaccine travel start up again? It’s hard to say for sure. Right now, the expectation is that the general public will be able to begin to be vaccinated as early as this coming summer. If you are seeing airfare deals for the summer or early fall take advantage of booking now as prices are expected to increase as demand picks back up. What precautions will we still have to take while traveling and for how long? Until COVID nears eradication with sufficient vaccination rates, get comfortable wearing masks, social distancing, and using a disinfectant. In all likelihood, we're going to be seeing mask-wearing and general infection control precautions throughout 2021. How else might the COVID-19 vaccine change travel? It is fair to assume that soon, hotels, airl